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Get to know our team, platform, and facts about diabetes. 





Our platform is a way to study fat cells outside a human or animal body, or in vitro. Our stem-cell platform, M3, is unique in its accuracy in replicating human fat cells. Traditional platforms cannot even replicate a fat cell of a fetus. Our platform can replicate from fetus to adult, and even an obese adult fat cell. 




Every person on our team has at least one loved one who has been diagnosed with diabetes. We care about finding a cure for this disease because we know our loved-ones will benefit, just like you and yours. 





  • 1 in 3 adults in the US is prediabetic.

  • Diabetes causes 1.5 million deaths per year.

  • Black and Hispanic individuals are 50% more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic white individuals.

  • Every 30 seconds someone has a diabetes-related amputation.

  • 37 million diabetics are blind.


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